What Does Endometriosis Feel Like..

Naturally Marshea
2 min readMay 17, 2021

What Does Endo Feel Like….


It feelings like a twelve pound bowling ball that’s on fire is rolling around my pelvis while an elephant is sitting on top. It feels like I’m being stabbed over and over with a knife that’s on fire. I can’t move and I can’t function. Sometimes I can’t breathe let alone walk. It feels like at any moment I can fall out and just be bedridden. It takes a toll on my body and it isn’t friendly. It starts to cause you to have to really evaluate your environment and the people around you because of the amount of harm stress causes. It is draining and exhausting. The fatigue, exhaustion, surgical scars and pain are unbearable. It starts to take a mental toll on you.


It’s draining. It’s lonely and hard to deal with. People around you not understanding and judging is hard. I’m not lazy, I’m not using it to my advantage and I’m not faking anything. Saying things like “You were just okay” isn’t helpful and it’s actually hurtful. We can’t control this entirely. We can only manage it the best way WE can individually. One thing doesn’t work for all. Also saying we are “strong” doesn’t make us feel better we don’t have a choice but to be strong. Being “strong” can actually cause us more harm than good. Holding things in and overworking knowing we need to rest is harmful. The fact we are expected to be “strong” and not “lazy” from the ones around us is difficult. The words you say can be hurtful to us and cause more harm.


I personally would not wish this on anyone. Not a single person should deal with the hurt and pain of Endometriosis. From the surgeries, medications, lack of knowledge by professionals, and the judgment it is so draining. Most doctors who actually know what they are doing don’t accept insurance and that is so hard. Nothing is cheap about endo. Being a woman of color with a condition that can only be seen via surgery is difficult. The health care system is not designed to help us but to give us bandaids and enough is enough with that. I am so proud to be an ambassador for Endo Black Inc. for that reason. For more information checkout my Instagram.



Naturally Marshea

Marshea (Mar-Shay) | Content Creator | Hair | Fashion | Health | Beauty | Endometriosis Advocate